overdue update: Taiwan and back, construction and a new series

Well…I guess I haven’t written in a while…I don’t have any excuse. Sorry about that. Since the last update I moved to Taiwan and met a bunch of friends, studied, did some freelance work and traveled around a bit and came up with some new ideas for different photo series and about my life in general. Now I’m back in Dallas finishing up some projects and planning some new ones. It’s good to be home and see my friends but it’s also a reminder of how much I feel like an outsider in my own country. It’s a little bit sharper than when I get a legitimate pass.

To keep myself busy I have been learning construction doing home renovation the past few months. Because of this, I have been in and out of houses built at all different times over quite a large time-span and it’s been inspiring to see so many different styles of homes and also the way the previous tenants lived. I have a lot of interesting material from this experience that I will post soon.

Construction is cool. I like the process of going into a space, assessing it and then running with it. There are constantly things coming up and tons of ways to improvise and optimize so it calls for a good deal of creativity. It is way more stimulating than I thought. And you frequently change environments, location and even being indoors and outdoors. One major drawback is that typically it’s just an extremely non-diverse group of guys out there. Working alone or starting your own thing could even that out a bit I suppose.

Anyway, I added a few more photos to the headless portraits project page and I’m going to be uploading some from a series called from the hip, which I really began consciously shooting when I was in Berlin; it’s kind of just a tribute to my love of real street photography.

More soon!!


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