social media/new sites

It’s cloudy and cool out and I’m sitting outside on the patio at a coffee shop drinking tea and going through photos, thinking about a lot of random life stuff…human interaction, genuine human connections. I’m thinking about this because I recently created accounts on some social media sites, which I have previously avoided because I felt they tended to encourage/reinforce mostly trivial interactions. Whether or not this is true I decided to sign up for my business as a way to get myself out there more.

It’s important to have a community, peers, mentors and I feel that these sites can help me to cultivate more of that, as geographical barriers are irrelevant when you’re online. I’m really hoping to connect with more creative people–something that I’ve had in the past and found incredibly rewarding, but haven’t had much of lately.

So, here are some links to sites where I have an online presence. You probably already have accounts on most of these so feel free to follow if you’re interested in seeing more of my stuff. I’ll be posting stuff from photo series and projects on here as well as lots of miscellaneous work that doesn’t really have a home.

Here’s me, on…Facebook and VSCO.

I especially like the simplicity of VSCO. Check them out and tell me what you think!

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