insect life - female Libellula incesta with three wings
insect life - Lepidopterid Cisseps fulvicollis on leaf
insect life - male Ischnura hastata on blade of grass
insect life - Graphocephala sp. on Ambrosia trifida
insect life - Epitheca petechialis
insect life - Arilus cristatus, the "Wheel Bug" on underside of Ambrosia trifida
insect life - female Argia translata
insect life - a mantid hangs upside down from Ambrosia trifida
insect life - male Celithemis eponina
insect life - dolichopodid, or long-legged fly
insect life - Graphocephala sp. with damaged wing
insect life - dipteran on edge of leaf
insect life - tettigoniid on flower
insect life - coleopteran
insect life - tettigoniid on leaf
insect life - syrphid on leaf
insect life - dipteran on leaf
insect life - coleopteran
insect life - hemipteran hanging on
insect life - tettigoniid
insect life - tettigoniid on blade of grass
insect life - black and white portrait of lepidopterid
insect life - female Ischnura hastata on blade of grass
insect life - black and white portrait of ladybug

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